Just coz you're gunna have some spare time up your sleeve between the Anzac clash and the regular stuff on the weekend...
You've got $10m to spend on your action movie dream team. You must have one ass-kicker, one thinking man's action star, one villain, one ass-kicker doubling as the flick's hot chick and two action scenes.
You must have one player in this position. 
Jean-Claude Van Damme (Universal Soldier) $2m
Arnold Schwarzenegger (Terminator) $2.6m
Sylvester Stallone (Rocky) $2.4m
Bruce Willis (Die Hard) $2.3m
Wesley Snipes (Blade) $1.6m
Chuck Norris (Missing in Action) $0.9m
Steven Seagal (Under Siege) $1.4m
The Rock (Welcome To The Jungle) $0.6m
Eric Bana (The Hulk) $0.8m
Brandon Lee (The Crow) $2.2m
Thinking man's action stars
You must have one player in this position.Christopher Reeves (Superman) $1.8m
Tom Cruise (Mission Impossible) $1.1m
Brad Pitt (Troy) $1.6m
Mel Gibson (Mad Max) $1.7m
Hugh Jackman (X Men) $1m
Nic Cage (Con Air) $0.9m
Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones) $1.5m
Tobey Macguire (Spiderman) $0.7m
Keanu Reeves (Speed) $0.8m
Michael J Fox (Back to the Future) $1.4m
Pierce Brosnan (James Bond) $1m
The villains
You must have one player in this position.Joaquin Phoenix (Gladiator) $1.5m
Anthony Hopkins (Silence Of The Lambs) $2.3m
Predator (Predator) $1.8m
The shark (Jaws) $2m
Darth Vader (Star Wars series) $2.2m
Jack Nicholson (Batman) $1.4m
Gene Hackman (Superman) $1.2m
Ass-kickers doubling as the flick's hot chick
You must have one player in this position.Cameron Diaz (Charlie's Angels) $2m
Jennifer Garner (Elektra) $1.6m
Jessica Alba (Fantastic Four) $2m
Halle Berry (Swordfish) $2.2m
Uma Thurman (Kill Bill) $2.1m
Sharon Stone (Basic Instinct) $1.3m
Demi Moore (GI Jane) $1.1m
Catherine Zeta Jones (Entrapment) $1m
Sigourney Weaver (Aliens) $1.2m
Neve Campbell (Scream) $1.7m
Action scenes
You must have two player in this position.Car chase $1.9m
Boat chase $1.1m
Sex scene $2m
Airplane crash $1.5m
Kung-fu scene $1.8m
Exploding building $1m
Defusing a bomb scene $0.8m
Post your movie name and stars below.